Car Park Management

Managing car park allocation and access is complex. We simplify the process and allow easy car park access and flow, by using flexible configuration of parking environment and spaces, to site-specific needs.

We are a premium service provider of safe, clean, reliable, automated and manned car parking services, at a competitive price. We thrive on integrity, care and environmentally sustainable practices. We value our customer and employee loyalty. Our system of management and control will provide the following benefits:

  • Save time and money by using one centralised platform for quick and easy allocation of parking spaces to users
  • Grant access to car park only when allocated spaces are unoccupied, saving time and avoiding frustration to users 
  • Computerised recognition, transacting and monitoring of parking space occupancy in real time, to ensure correct and efficient use
  • Provide access and parking to cardholders in accordance with the agreed policy, including guaranteed parking for VIP cardholders 
  • Use signage, communication and way finding system to help users find the closest available bay, and to enter and exit efficiently and safely
  • Continuous operation and monitoring of security, CCTV, intercom systems and patrols to prevent vandalism, car theft and property theft
  • Maintain the presentation of the asset to high standard at all times, and ensure car parking equipment is in excellent operating condition
  • Maximise the space in the parking facility and perform regular upgrade
  • Provide 24/7 staff presence at the car park to assist customers
  • Communicate promptly with stakeholders if there is a security breach
  • Comply with parking laws and council by-laws
  • Cleaning – routine, special and external
  • Reconcile and report revenue promptly, manage finance, cash-flow, service contracts, banking and auditing to agreed standard
  • Periodically review and update systems, procedures and software

Commercial parking
We can set up brand new parking facilities or we can take over and manage existing operations, where we will make efficiency improvements. We can tailor a solution to ensure your visitors, staff, tenants, customers and the public have the best parking experience, while we generate optimum revenue. We provide services to commercial, retail, health, government, education, hospitality, airport, body corporate and owners corporations.
Additional amenities
We manage additional amenities such as carwash, handy-bank and vending machines in car parks