Facility Management

We operate with integrity, focus and commitment to provide you, your building and your residents with a high quality, stand out service. We take enormous pride in our work and the buildings we manage and strive to always be proactive and effective. You can rest assured and work better, by letting our experienced facility management team with high level of technical expertise and resources, run and operate your property, commercial or residential. We deliver operational excellence your facility deserves, at the best possible budget.

Our expertise

Your assurance lies in the knowledge that our team of trades people and experienced professionals in facility management and property services, understand the properties they look after. We are hands-on to get things done, with reporting and documentation being compliant and complete.

Our caretaking, cleaning, maintenance and concierge services provides an onsite presence with a number of key benefits, most important of which is the ability to liaise closely with rental tenants to maximise efficiency in terms of building occupancy.

Service Managed

Building Management

We engage in construction, maintenance, replacement, refurbishment or disposal of buildings, office accommodation and housing. We conduct third-party testing and relevant back ground checks for all our applicants. Building managers are the vital cog in facility management by representing the property owner and serving tenants. Our attitude, presentation, diligence and experience are the basis of our the services.

Our services include:

  • Service level agreements
  • Retail property maintenance
  • Tenant property maintenance
  • Sustainability
  • Asset register
  • Annual fire safety statement

We seek to have your building and all its assets working efficiently every day. We can use a building management system and building manager to ensure energy and maintenance efficiencies that suit your situation, your building and your budget.

Whether it is a single building in the suburbs or an A grade building in the city centre over many levels, we will look after and provide required services with the same diligence. Our services cover commercial building owners, tenants, and owners corporation managers, including residential high-rise buildings.

Tailored facility maintenance

In keeping with Australian Standard AS4900, our agreements are tailored to your building’s requirements and goals. We keep it simple and avoid legal hold, giving flexibility for both parties, so as to facilitate ongoing business. The agreement covers:

  • Fire services
  • HVAC mechanical
  • Building automation
  • Energy services
  • Electrical services
  • Asset registers
  • Facility management
  • Building management

We enter into service agreements for technical and trades including:

  • Fire systems and services (wet and dry)
  • Annual fire safety statements
  • HVAC mechanical service
  • Electrical
  • Access control systems
  • Security systems and CCTV
  • Thermal scanning (preferred by most insurers)
  • Pumps
  • Automatic doors
Our reporting, control and administration
  • Reports for owners corporation, property owners and stakeholders, that are clear and backed by evidence, which will assist them in their budgets, Capex, Opex and reasoning behind costings
  • Liaise with Committees of Management and the Owners Corporation Manager (if applicable)
  • Attend to owners and occupiers’ requests in a friendly and reasonable manner whilst ensuring only common matters are attended to
  • Attend to concerns of residents
  • review and manage tenders and quotes
  • Put in place and monitor the effectiveness of and report on contracts for building services such as lifts and essential services
  • Supervise any contractors or tradespeople who attend the site to undertake work
  • contractors must submit documentation before payment is made
  • Maintain records of all contractors who attend site, recording who, when and what they are doing
  • Maintain records of the maintenance that occurs, and sign off on it once they have evidence of such
  • Undertake small maintenance at the property within capabilities. This may include changing light globes
  • monitor and manage insurances
  • manage preventative maintenance agreements under AS4900
  • third party safety and checks
  • work order system which you can track at any time including documentation, photos and progress of work
  • WHS obligations, monitoring and documentation
  • satisfy all compliance standards, council and statutory obligations, and mandatory building codes
  • financial and warranty obligations
  • project documentation
  • Deal with all mail, including papers and parcels
  • Manage cleaning staff
  • Walk through the entire building every day to ensure cleanliness, note damage, log all OH&S issues
  • Attend after hours (emergency attendance) if required.
  • Security Management - order and distribute keys, fobs and remotes
  • Monitor and supervise all move ins and outs.
  • Manage waste services
  • Comply with annual Essential Services audit
Cost saving

Our clients can benefit directly from our competitive pricing as well as indirectly for the following reasons:

  • Our buying power with trades and vendors
  • Single source of vendors and suppliers can avoid layering
  • The reduced employment cost and responsibility of having employees
  • the avoidance of errors by employees who lack expertise or experience
  • expertise offered by our networking and construction background

If you provide us with your sustainability objectives, environmental policy, recycling and waste management strategy, we will include them for consideration in the maintenance agreement. If you don't have specific objectives, we will notify you when opportunities for energy and water efficiency arise. This will guide you as to whether you want to develop sustainability initiatives for the future.